Creating customer-focused success in any industry

Believe in Better

Described as a “business book for the rest of us,” Damon Stafford’s compelling narrative about the founding of his first business, CCG IQ, propels readers into Damon’s world and the core principles that evolved throughout a career spent building businesses, believing in better, and defining an industry. Each chapter, Damon relates one of his core principles, starting with Authenticity in chapter one, evolving his story with a new principle that helped him grow his business.


CEO, Entrepreneur, Author, Kick Ass Dad, Music Fanboy, & Comedy Connoisseur

Damon Stafford · President and CEO of Alpine Intel

Damon Stafford is a career entrepreneur, founding HVACi, StrikeCheck, and CCG IQ in 2011 before creating parent company Alpine Intel. With a focus on customer experiences and his lifelong axiom, “believe in better,” Damon has become the InsurTech authority. Read on for more about the core principles that continue to drive his pioneering work.

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Whether you are a C-Suite exec or a hungry entrepreneur looking for guidance on evolving your own core business principles, Damon’s book is a journey that is certain to entertain, enlighten, and inspire.

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Book Reviews


“As someone who has spent decades helping companies scale up, I can say with confidence that the principles Damon shares are the very essence of what it takes to build not just a successful business, but a sustainable one. From fostering a culture of transparency to embracing change as a constant, Believe in Better is a clarion call to leaders and entrepreneurs to never settle for being the best. They need to be better.”

Verne Harnish

Founder, Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO); Author, Scaling Up (Rockefeller Habits 2.0)

“What sets Believe in Better apart is its raw honesty. Damon doesn’t shy away from the missteps and the hard-earned lessons that shaped the success of his company. This isn’t a story of a company that got it right from the start; its a far more relatable and valuable narrative about a company that dared to believe it could be better and then did the hard work to that belief a reality. A changemaker at heart!”

Deke Copenhaver

Former Mayor, Augusta, Georgia; bestseller author, The Changemaker: The Art of Building of Better Leaders

“Its rare that a business book provides unique insights, and at the same time, is compelling throughout and entertaining to read. Believe in Better hits all of these high marks and covers a broad spectrum of topics that founders and executives struggle with every day. Not only a must informative read, but a pleasurable one. “

David Turner

CEO, Velocity Now

“Believe in Better is a compelling and insightful exploration of the entrepreneurial journey, resonating deeply with the challenges and triumphs I’ve witnessed in the HR industry. Stafford offers a masterful guide to evolving business principles in a rapidly changing corporate landscape. His story is a testament to the power of adaptability, continuous improvement, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. This book is an invaluable resource for any business leader striving to scale their company while a steadfast commitment to their core values. “

Bill Lyons

Founder and Executive Chairman, Lyons HR; Bestselling Author, We Are HR

“Believe in Better by Damon Stafford is a masterclass in entrepreneurial resilience and innovation, embodying the GRITT principles of being Goal-Driven, Responsible, Involved, Team-Oriented, and Tolerant of failure. Stafford’s corporate journey resonates with the core of my own philosophy in Keeping Score with GRITT. This book is an essential read for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of business growth with tenacity and a steadfast commitment to evolving core values. “

Shawn Burchman

Founder and CEO, PFSbrands; bestselling author of Keeping Score with GRITT

Blog Posts

Believe in Better: A Blueprint for Business Success

Believe in Better: A Blueprint for Business Success

Believing in better became the cornerstone of our philosophy, driving innovation, cultivating a forward-thinking culture, and building resilience against challenges. Here are some of the reasons why business leaders of all industries need to adopt a philosophy of believing in better.

How Evolved Are Your Core Principles?


Core principles are the fundamental values that guide a business’s actions and decisions, and they have become intertwined with a company’s brand.

Take this five-minute assessment to help evaluate whether your business culture embraces these modern perspectives.